Medicine Buddha Mantra

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“ If one meditates on the Medicine Buddha, one will eventually attain enlightenment, but in the meantime one will experience an increase in healing powers, both for oneself and others, and a decrease in physical and mental illness and suffering.”

     From Medicine Buddha Teachings by Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche

It is said that when the Medicine Buddha, Sangye Menla, was a bodhisattva, he made 12 great aspirations in order to benefit beings.  He prayed “May my light come in all directions bringing happiness and contentment.” He prayed for any being who was ill, “ ...when my name comes to their ears, may they be free of illness and remain unharmed.” All of his aspirations were to heal, support and liberate beings from suffering.

I offer this  20 minute recording of the Medicine Buddha Mantra, with a prayer that anyone who listens may experience relief from physical, mental and emotional suffering. Listen to it with headphones or in the background as you are working. Just hearing it is healing but if you wish to visualize a brilliant cobalt, blue light filling your body, home, community or world, that is also very powerful. And of course if you wish to chant along, please do.


Listen & download here:

As my teacher, Lama Palden Drolma, has said many times, once a being becomes fully realized and awake( the meaning of being a Buddha), they don’t disappear. Their blessings are continually flowing for the benefit of beings.

I freely offer this chant to the world and if you wish to donate to help support my endeavor, please do so below. With deep gratitude and a prayer for the wellbeing of our earth and all her inhabitants.

If you’d like to donate, please Paypal (via button below) or Venmo me directly. Thank you so much for your support of this work!
Venmo: @barbara-juniper