Spiritual Mentoring
& Community Dharma Leader



To create healthy communities, we need healthy individuals.

I believe that all life is sacred and that we each carry wisdom within us that is needed at this time in our world.

I believe that life is a spiritual journey we are all on, each and every one of us. We are beings of untapped potential, yet most of us are suffering from what I call “spiritual amnesia”. We have forgotten the innate beauty and power of who we truly are. And there are times, when we most need it, that a spiritual guide, teacher, mentor appears in our lives to mirror our own beauty back to us.

I believe that we must all wake up to the truth of our being, especially now, at this critical time on our planet. 


Community Dharma Leader

Spiritual Mentoring

1:1 Session - 60 minutes

As we journey on this path we call life, there are moments that cause us to ask the deeper questions. Why am I here? What is my purpose? Where is true happiness and contentment to be found? And what I have found is that, though these are questions that we ultimately must answer for ourselves, it can be incredibly helpful to have someone by your side, a spiritual friend and mentor, who will explore with you. She will support your most radiant self. She will hold to faith and hope when you can’t. She will walk with you into unknown territories of the soul, shining the light on gems that are hiding in the dark. She will be a mirror to you of your deepest truth and beauty. She will rejoice with you when you find your holy inner well and drink deeply of the waters there.

It would be an honor to walk by your side on this sacred journey home. Please click the button below to contact me and set up a 20-minute Complimentary Awaken The Song of Your Soul Call. we will explore how I might support you on your journey and help you awaken the beauty and potential that is you. I look forward to meeting you!

Meditation Instruction

Individual or Group

Why meditate? Meditation is the topic of so much research these days. Not only does this research suggest that meditation reduces stress, lowers blood pressure and boosts the immune system, more importantly it allows us to become free from our reactive patterns that cause us so much suffering. We can become masters of our own mind and access our innate wisdom, compassion and joy. These are all qualities that are as much a part of who we are as the blueness is part of the sky. But like clouds that hide the sun and the blueness of the sky, our habits and limiting beliefs often cause us to lose sight of our inner gifts. Meditation practice can help us realize the beauty of who we truly are.

 I offer individual instruction or group instruction, depending on your needs. Please let me know how I can support you.

Ritual Ceremonies for Transitions and Rites of Passage

Traditional in any earth based culture is the marking of important transitions in life. These ceremonies and rituals or rites of passage are the lifeblood of earth based wisdom. They remind us that we are part of and deeply connected to the natural rhythm and cycles of nature. Any major transition is an act of stepping over an unseen threshold. Who we are before and who we are after that step are not the same. Graduation, marriage, birth, divorce, death are just a few examples of moments in life that are meant to be honored, ritualized and held in sacred presence.

 For over 30 years, it has been my honor to offer ritual and rites of passage ceremonies for people of all ages and all walks of life.  

 I would love to craft a ceremony specific to your needs. Please reach out!

…for everything flowers, from within, of self-blessing;   

though sometimes it is necessary

to reteach a thing its loveliness…

excerpt from” St Francis and the Sow”

 by Galway Kinnell

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