Sound, Voice and Music Healing



Frequency + Intention = Transformation

“Nothing is more essential for the twenty-first century and beyond than personal transformation. It’s our only hope.”
-Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche




At this time on our planet, we are all being called to live in our highest truth, our most authentic expression.

And in the process of discovering what that is for each of us, we often need to unravel or unwind the patterns and beliefs that are limiting us.

Through the intentional use of sound, voice and music we are able to transform habituated states of being and align with a deeper sense of connection to ourselves, our purpose, our divinity. As a result we experience less stress, more fulfillment and greater joy.


The first time I heard Barbara sing my heart melted and I knew I was in the presence of a beautiful goddess with sound healing wisdom. Her vocal expression, in one moment, rings with angelic clarity and, in the next, opens into powerful earthy soulfulness. I, as the lucky listener, am invited into feeling these aspects of myself. I have also been the fortunate recipient of Barbara’s powerful sound healing journey work...where I was bathed in sounds that soothed nurtured and brought me into deep Presence...restoring me to wholeness.
— Pollyanna Bush, singer & vocal coach


Sound Healing



Individual Sound Healing

Private One-hour Sessions

In this hour-long session, habitual patterns that are held in the energetic, subtle body can be released and transformed in a safe and loving environment. Through the skillful use of various sound healing instruments and her healing voice, Barbara will gently guide your nervous system to relax, allowing the body’s innate healing power to be activated. The result: greater ability to respond to life’s challenges with more ease, clarity and joy and deeper alignment with your true essence.


Please click the button below and I will reach out to schedule a 20-minute complimentary consultation.



Group Sound Healing

Public Group Sessions

Join Barbara in group sound healing meditations.  These events offer a safe way to deeply and profoundly activate the relaxation response so that your body, mind and spirit can open to sonic nourishment and refreshment. Group sound healing meditations are offered to the community to help relieve stress, to access inner wisdom and to open portals of transformation.

 These group events take place in various locations. Please check the calendar of events for the ones nearest you.



Sound Healing Salon

 Private Group Sessions

If you would like to share the   experience of a group sound healing in the more intimate surroundings of your own home with friends or family, I offer my sound healing salons. Please contact me for rates & availability.





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Vocal Meditation

Private 1:1 Session

In this individualized, one-hour session you will be gently guided in the art of vocal meditation. Through toning, deep listening and simple chanting, you will learn how to find your true voice and cultivate a daily vocal meditation practice that will nourish your body, mind and soul.



Sisters in Harmony

Women’s Singing Group

Come join us! Free your voice and help create peace on the planet! Open your heart in a joyful experience of women singing  together. Simple heart opening songs with easy to learn parts and harmonies. No prior musical training necessary.



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