Women’s Wisdom Ways




When we gather together and unite our hearts, minds, and voices, women have extraordinary power and potential for healing ourselves, each other and the world. Because we are embodiments of nature herself, we carry within us the power and blessing of all the elements…earth, air, fire, water and space.  Let’s tap into this deeper current and direct it for our own healing and the healing of the world. 



Wise Women in the World



Wise Women in the World is a monthly women’s group devoted to the awakening of the heart and global sisterhood. In a safe and nurturing environment, Wise Women in the World is a monthly women’s group, where we are free to explore our spirituality and divine essence and how to integrate those qualities into our day-to-day life.Each of us has a stream of wisdom that flows through us, that is totally accessible once we learn to connect to our hearts and listen. This is a committed group that meets once a month for five months at a time.



Resting in the Sacred Feminine



Resting in the Sacred Feminine is an annual 3 day retreat at Ratna Ling Retreat Center.

May 29 – 31, 2020

As women in our modern, fast paced world, what we need the most is time away to refresh, nourish and come home to ourselves. In the natural beauty and spiritual energy of Ratna Ling Retreat Center, Resting in the Sacred Feminine is an annual three-day retreat of sound healing, meditation and yoga.



Ritual Ceremonies for Transitions
& Rites of Passage



Rituals & Rites of Passage

Traditional in any earth based culture is the marking of important transitions in a woman or girl’s life. These ceremonies and rituals or rites of passage are the life blood of women’s earth based wisdom, a connection to the natural rhythm and cycles of nature.. First moon cycle, graduation, marriage, birth, divorce, death, final moon cycle or croning are all moments in a woman’s life that beg to be honored, ritualized and held in sacred presence.

For over 30 years, I have been honored to offer ritual and rites of passage ceremonies for women and girls of all ages. 


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